Zapier is trusted by over 2.2 million companies worldwide

Smooth communication, coordinated responses
Tech stacks can be complex, but that doesn't mean your responses have to be. Use automation to connect all your tools and deliver quicker, more coordinated responses.

Faster speed to resolution
Zapier can create new support tickets no matter where they come from. Your team won't need to manually set up each ticket—instead, they can focus on faster ticket resolution and improving stakeholder satisfaction.

Focus on the technical issues, not the admin ones
By automating repetitive tasks like ticket creation and routing, you can reduce clerical errors while keeping your data accurate and up-to-date—improving your speed to resolution.
Connect all your tools
With 7,000+ integrations on our platform, you can add tickets and send updates no matter what tools your teams are using.
Powerful customization
Use advanced features like Paths and Filters to route tickets where they need to go.
The speed of automation
One-minute update times on paid plans means new tickets are added (and resolved) faster.