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Support Services

Customer success is our top priority at Zapier. As your trusted partner, we offer additional services to support your automation journey from the moment your team signs up with Zapier.

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customer success services

Technical Account Manager

Recommended if you need more advanced support

Zapier's Technical Support team will help you step up your automation game so your team can maximize their impact. Through regular monthly check-ins, your Technical Account Manager will learn the ins and outs of your account to help you solve immediate problems and dream up your next workflow.

Technical Support

Find an expert for custom coding and implementation

Zapier Experts are seasoned automation pros who offer a variety of personalized services to move your work forward faster. These paid third-party consultants, freelancers, and agencies are experienced in all things Zapier. We recommend Experts if you need more customized services, including localized language support, expertise with a specific app, pricing flexibility, and quick turnarounds. Find an Expert to get started!

Hire an Expert
Expert Support

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