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Small & medium businesses

Reliable automation that moves you forward

Securely automate processes across departments—increasing your company's productivity, efficiency, growth, and ROI.

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Fast automation, faster growth

Scale your business by automating simple tasks and complex processes with Zapier.

Connect your favorite apps

With over 7,000 app integrations, Zapier works with what you work with.

High security, low stress

Zapier is SOC 2 compliant and adheres to the strictest security standards.

Turn problems into possibilities with Zapier

Powerful automation made easy

  • A customizable solution: Our no-code visual editor allows you to create sophisticated custom workflows in minutes.
  • Get more done faster across all your teams: Discover automation that powers entire processes, like your lead funnel, customer retention, accounting, and more.
Lead automation

Automation that supercharges your whole business

  • A leader in automation: With 7,000+ app integrations, you can use automation across different teams to multiply impact, not effort.
  • Advanced features for advanced workflows: Multi-step Zaps, Webhooks, Paths, and other Zapier features help you build the workflows that are the backbone of your business.
Automation that supercharges your whole business

Security features you can rely on

  • Industry-standard compliance: Zapier is independently audited every year and maintains SOC 2 Type II and SOC 3 reports.
  • 99.9% uptime: Have peace of mind knowing that your automation will run reliably with an uptime of 99.9%.
Security features you can rely on

Growth powered by automation

  • Collaboration made easy: With features like shared folders, teams, and app restrictions, you can encourage collaboration while ensuring all the right security standards are in place.
  • Unlimited members: Team and Enterprise plans give teams across your company the ability to automate work, so everyone can get more done, faster.
Growth powered by automation

High-level support at your fingertips

  • Comprehensive self-guided content: If you'd prefer to find your own answers, you can explore videos, blogs, pre-made workflows, and more.
  • Zapier experts: Hire 1:1 consultants and get the personalized automation advice and troubleshooting you need.
High-level support at your fingertips

How Orchard levels up their customer experience with automation

Discover how Orchard automates their entire lead funnel—increasing sales and growing their business.

See their workflows

"Since we started using Zapier, so many of our processes have become more efficient and have allowed us to have more time executing and less time compiling data and insights."

Corey Egan

Director of CRM at Orchard

Automation designed to meet you where you're at—and grow with you

Zapier is the leader in no-code automation software, and offers:

User-friendly platform

A sophisticated but easy-to-use visual editor

Customizable automation

Automate what you need with Paths, Filters, and Webhooks

Streamlined communication

Easy automation collaboration with a shared workspace

Super admin capabilities

Ensure security with app permissions, user provisioning, and more

A plan to fit your needs

Get secure, powerful automation your whole company can rely on.

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